How To Find High Traffic Quora Questions easily with 3 Step Method

Find high traffic question on quora
Find high traffic question on quora

How To Generate Traffic Through Quora & Build A Backlink – Overview

Quora is a great site for generating traffic if you can find high traffic Quora questions. You can do this by answering questions on a topic that is relevant to your industry and leaving a link to your landing page. It’s also worth mentioning that you should use links that are trackable links, such as Google Analytics URL Builder links.

Quora Basics

Quora is a question-and-answer website where users can ask and answer questions on a variety of topics. You can use Quora to generate traffic to your website or blog in several ways.

First, you can search for questions that are relevant to your niche or industry and answer them. Be sure to include a link to your website or blog in your answer so that people can learn more about you and what you have to offer.

You can also create a blog post or article that answers a popular question on Quora. Again, be sure to include a link back to your website or blog so that people can find you.

Finally, you can use Quora to promote your content. When you create new content, be sure to share it on Quora and include a link back to your site. This will help people find your content and, hopefully, visit your site.

find high traffic quora questions

How to Sign Up for Quora

If you’re looking to generate traffic for your blog or website, Quora can be a great platform to do so. By providing answers to questions people are searching for, you can attract a whole new audience to your site. Plus, since Quora is a highly-trafficked website, your answer is likely to get seen by a lot of people.

signing up for Quora is quick and easy. Just head to the Quora website and create an account using your email address or by connecting with Facebook. Once you’re signed in, you can start answering questions right away.

Grow Your Small Channel Using AI Tools

To make the most of Quora and generate the most traffic possible, be sure to:

  • Answer popular questions: Use the search bar on Quora to find popular questions that are relevant to your blog or website.
  • Provide quality answers: Take the time to write well-thought-out answers that provide value to the reader. The more helpful and informative your answer, the more likely people are to click through to your site.
  • Add links: When appropriate, add links back to your blog or website in your answer. This will help drive traffic back to your site. Just be sure not to over

Benefits of Getting on Quora

Quora is a website where people can ask and answer questions on any topic. It’s a great platform for promoting your blog because you can share your blog posts as answers to questions people are asking. This will help you get traffic to your blog from Quora.

Here are some benefits of getting on Quora:

  1. You can reach a large audience with your answers.
  2. People on Quora are looking for information, so if you provide value in your answers you will be rewarded with traffic to your blog.
  3. Quora is a great way to build relationships with other bloggers and influencers in your niche.
  4. You can use Quora to position yourself as an expert in your field and get more exposure for your blog.
  5. Quora is a search engine friendly platform, so if you optimize your answers well they will rank high in search results and bring you even more traffic.

If you’re not already on Quora, I highly recommend you sign up and start answering questions related to your niche. You’ll be surprised at how much traffic you can generate for your blog just by being active on this platform.

General Rules for Quora

When you’re marketing on Quora, there are a few general rules you should follow in order to generate traffic to your blog or website. First, make sure that your profile is complete and includes a link to your blog or website. Second, be sure to answer questions that are relevant to your niche or industry. Third, when you answer questions, be sure to include links to relevant articles or blog posts on your website. Finally, be active on Quora and participate in the community by asking and answering questions, and following other users. By following these simple rules, you’ll be able to generate traffic from Quora and get more exposure for your blog or website.

Strategies for Getting Traffic

Quora can be a great source of traffic for your blog. But how do you go about generating traffic through Quora?

Here are a few strategies:

  1. Find relevant questions to answer.

If you want to generate traffic from Quora, you need to find questions that are relevant to your blog. You can use the search bar on Quora to find relevant questions.

  1. Give helpful and insightful answers.

When you answer a question on Quora, make sure that your answer is helpful and insightful. If you can provide value to the person who is asking the question, they are more likely to visit your blog.

  1. Include a link to your blog in your answer.

When you include a link to your blog in your answer, you are giving people the opportunity to visit your blog. Make sure that the link is relevant to the question that you are answering.

  1. Promote your Quora answers on social media.

Once you have answered a few questions on Quora, promote your answers on social media. This will help to drive traffic back to your blog.

Find High Traffic Quora Questions For Free

There are many software’s out there that require you to pay a monthly fee, in order to find high traffic Quora questions, But in today’s article, I’m going to be showing you a way to find out what are the highest searched questions on Quora, without having to pay a single cent.

So in order to do this, you would have to typically buy a keyword tool that will let you know what questions are ranking on Quora and how much search volume they’re getting each week. But with this sneaky method, you can simply use a free tool that Quora offers to do all of this for free. This free tool is provided by Quora, and it’s called Quora ads.

With Quora ads, all you have to do is to click on the ad manager. Once you go to the ads manager, you can go ahead and scroll down and look up at the very top called a new campaign.

All right, once you click on a new campaign. All you have to do is scroll down, and you set a budget and conversion event. You also have to fill out a campaign name. For conversion events, use generic and a budget of $100 don’t worry, you will not be spending any money. Then you click on Continue.

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Now, this is where the magic happens, scroll down to keywords, targeted keywords. Type the targeted questions, after clicking Bulk Add and then once you type in bulk add. You can go ahead and find the weekly search terms.

If you want to know more about how to do this you can simply watch the video that I created. And I’ll walk you through each step of the way, please be sure to follow each step and watch the video all the way through. As if you miss a certain part, this technique will not work properly.

Join the discussion

    • Thanks. There are other paid tools on the market but they cost a lot. This method is just as good, and is free for now. The downside is that it take a little more time, but I think its still worth using.

    • There are but it cost a lot. You would have to use a traffic analysis tool that cost around $100 a month. I don’t think it’s worth it when you are first starting out. I hope this helps.